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Spring Cleaning Cheat Sheet

A realistic, prioritized guide to make Spring cleaning manageable!

Yes it's that time a year, when hope springs eternal and its time to venture into seldom seen spaces - behind the refrigerator, to the top shelves and corners of the pantry, through junk drawers and cabinets, and into the depths of ALL your closets and storage spaces.  

Spring cleaning doesn't have to be frightening or overwhelming, and this cheat sheet will help kick-start your effort so that you'll more quickly be enjoying your home and the great outdoors!

Download your free copy here, or find it with the Recipes in the shop:


A bit about our cheat sheet: this Spring cleaning checklist is designed for both those who don't know where to begin and those who look forward to Spring cleaning all year round (believe it or not, I do know a few...).  Its meant to be a realistic, manageable list of the jobs that need doing only a few times a year.

We did assume that you are cleaning your counters, vacuuming, sweeping / mopping floors, and cleaning toilets with more frequent regularity!  

We've organized the checklist by rooms, with

  • 3 priority tasks per space (in blue): these are must-do, highest impact jobs to tackle
  • More comprehensive, "bonus" jobs (in rose): for the domestic deities among us


Key tip: don't try to do all of this in a day (or even a single weekend), not even just the blue, priority tasks! 

  • Pick a room or two per day at most.  This will feel much more manageable and rewarding.
  • Or, choose a single task to tackle for all your spaces, like washing all the throw blankets, comforters and curtains - if you can knock out this job for every room over a weekend, that's incredible!

A typical, realistic Spring cleaning timeline is a week with a focused effort (a few hours per day), or 2 to 3 weeks with evening and weekend shifts over that time.     

Is there something on your must-do Spring Cleaning list that we didn't include (or didn't prioritize) here?  Drop us a line at:

We'd love to hear more and will add to and edit this cheat sheet for next year!


Happy Spring!!  🌱🌼🐝🌺 


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